Herding sheep across the desert flats toward the Chuska Mountains.

Sheep in the Chuska Mountains.

Blessing a herd of sheep with sacred herbs before they are led into the mountains.

A Navajo cowboy and his dog, in the meadows of the Chuska Mountains.

Ymelda Coriz, a Navajo girl, spends time with a Navajo Churro sheep before it is butchered.

Skinning a sheep.

A perfect example of a Navajo Churro ewe: long haired body with "clean" legs and face.

A Navajo herd with Shiprock in the background.

A horse totem, kept in a bag of corn pollen.

A rug being woven by a Navajo sheep herder from the Toadlena area.

Shearing a Navajo Churro sheep.

Making fry bread in a cabin in the Chuska Mountains.

Looking out over the Chuska Mountains.

Roping a ram that's ready to be sheared.

Herbs gathered to bless sheep before they move up into the mountains for the summer.

Lee Cohoe, a Navajo sheep herder in a cabin in the Chuska Mountains.

Ron Garnanez spins wool from his Navajo Churro sheep on a hand spindle.

Herding sheep toward the Chuska Mountains, where they will spend the summer.

Butchering a goat at a sheep camp at the base of the Chuska and Carrizo Mountains.

Louise Tso cleans sheep intestines.

A sheep herder's cabin in the Chuska Mountains.

A rug woven by a Navajo sheep herder.

A Navajo sheep herder with one of his Navajo Churro sheep.

A corral in the Chuska Mountains.

A lamb approaches a bowl of ceremonial herbs.